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    CPLD is the abbreviation for Complex PLD, which is a more complex logical component than PLD. It is a highly integrated logical component. Due to its high integration characteristics, it has advantages such as improved performance, increased reliability, reduced PCB area, and reduced cost. CPLD adopts programming technologies such as CMOS EPROM, EEPROM, flash memory, and SRAM to form high-density, high-speed, and low-power programmable logic devices.
    Linksee was founded in 2020 and is a chip design company with independent intellectual property rights for mixed signal SoCs. Linksee can customize various digital applications according to customer needs, such as on/off control, watchdog, PWM, and various responsible logic and timing controls, providing customers with the best low-cost ASIC.
    PN Type Vcc GPIO ADC DAC Low power comparator High Speed Comparator Opamp Reference source Clock Package Download
    LS98002 CPLD 2.3V~5.5V 12 1 2 4 4 1PGA 2 2 TQFN14 NULL
    LS98003 CPLD 1.8V~5.5V 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 TQFN8/DFN8 NULL
    LS98102 CPLD 2.3V~5.5V 12 1 2 4 4 1PGA 2 2 TQFN14/QFN14 NULL
    LS98006 CPLD 1.8V~5.5V 18 0 0 0 6 0 4 3 TQFN20/SSOP20 NULL
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