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     Shenzhen Ramsun Microelectronics Co.,Ltd(HK Ramsun International Limited) is a vendor of the seimicondutor componets and the memory IC’s solution with clear market advantage. We still focus on the promotion for some famous semicondutor brand ,and specially take the RAM(Random Access Memory) as our core products.

        Shenzhen Ramsun Microelectronics Co.,Ltd created a professional sales team,we can provide end customer clear seletion guide for memory products,field application guide and after-sales service support.After our efforts approval by end customer,our business already involved many fields:Network equipment,Mobile,M2M,Cosumer,Industiral,Gaming,Smart grid,Automotive,Storage &Server system...etc. Ramsun adhere to customer-centric, take honest as fundamental, create name-brand by service, seek development by innovation and wins customers a wide range of trust and support.

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