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    ●.Largest authorized line card for bare die & wafer in the industry
    ●.Broadest in-house capabilities to meet customer demands
    ●.Most experienced engineering support team — design application & engineering solutions
    As the largest global supplier of bare die with access to thousands of different part types, we offers unparalleled knowledge & extensive capabilities as well as the flexibility to adapt our suppliers’ standard products to the unique requirements of your device or system. Over the years, we had developed and maintained key relationships with many of the leading semiconductor manufacturers providing us with the capability to offer an extensive bare die portfolio to our customers.
    Manufacturer DRAM Synch SRAM Asynch SRAM NAND Flash NOR Flash EEPROM MRAM FRAM&nvSRAM Download
    Atmel ? NULL
    Cypress ? ? ? ? ? NULL
    Everspin ? NULL
    Microchip ? ? NULL
    Micron ? ? ? NULL
    Northrop Grumman ? NULL
    Samsung ? ? NULL
    ISSI ? ? ? ? ? NULL
    Alliance ? ? ? NULL
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