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        NAND flash These memories are accessed much like block devices, such as hard disks. Each block consists of a number of pages. The pages are typically 512or 2,048 or 4,096 bytes in size. Associated with each page are a few bytes (typically 1/32 of the data size) that can be used for storage of an error correcting code (ECC) checksum.
        NAND sacrifices the random-access and execute-in-place advantages of NOR. NAND is best suited to systems requiring high capacity data storage. It offers higher densities, larger capacities, and lower cost. It has faster erases, sequential writes, and sequential reads.
    XTX Technology Limited is a Hi-Tech Semiconductor Company, with HQ in Shenzhen, China. The vision of  the company is to become an independent China top memory solution provider.XTX provides high reliability and cost competive product family of NAND MCP , NOR MCP , SD NAND , SPI NAND , SPI NOR Flash and eMMC to meet the requirements of a wide variety of embedded application , such as mobile phone, tablet , vehicle equipment , security & surveillance , POS terminals , home appliances , M2M devices datacard , Set-top-box , Educational , Toys and many other terminal products . Meanwhile , XTX also provide SIP assembly service to optimize customer BOM cost , production efficiency and increase software IP security as well.
    Density Part Number Description Package Voltage Packing MPQ(Units) Quantity State Delivery date Download
    8Gbit XTSD08GLGEAG 8Gbit 3.3V SD NAND LGA8 8x6mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    4Gbit XTSD04GLGEAG 4Gbit 3.3V SD NAND LGA8 8x6mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    4Gbit PN27G04ABGITG 4Gbit 3.3V BGA 8bit SLC NAND BGA24 6x8mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    2Gbit XTSD02GLGEAG 2Gbit 3.3V SD NAND LGA8 8x6mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    2Gbit PN27G02BBGITG 2Gbit 3.3V BGA 0bit SLC NAND BGA24 6x8mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    1Gbit PN27G01ABGITG 1Gbit 3.3V BGA 8bit SLC NAND BGA24 6x8mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    1Gbit PN27G01BBGITG 1Gbit 3.3V BGA 0bit SLC NAND BGA24 6x8mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    1Gbit PN27Q01BBGITG 1Gbit 1.8V BGA 0bit SLC NAND BGA24 6x8mm 1.7~1.9V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
    1Gbit XTSD01GLGEAG 1Gbit 3.3V SD NAND LGA8 8x6mm 2.7~3.6V Tray 3770 22620 MP 6W NULL
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