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    The push button switch, also known as the control button, is a low-voltage electrical appliance that is manually and generally automatically reset. The button is usually used to issue a start or stop command in the circuit to control the on and off of the electrical coil current of the electromagnetic starter, contactor, relay, and the like.
    The push button switch is a kind of electric device that is used to switch on and off the small current circuit when the action is released. Generally used in control circuits with AC and DC voltages below 440V and currents less than 5A.
    Push_Button Switches R0194

    •  Rating:3A 125VAC;1.5A 250VAC
    •  Contact Resistance:50mΩ Max
    •  Insulation Resistance:DC 500V 100MΩ Min
    •  Dielectric Strength:AC 1000V 1 minute
    •  Operation Force:200±100gf
    •  Total Travel:2.5±0.4mm
    •  Operation Life:10,000 cycles
    •  Operation Temperation:0℃ ~+85℃
       Push_Button Switches R0194 Figure     Push_Button Switches R0194 Structure Diagram              Switch R0194 Structure Diagram            R0194 Structure Diagram


    Part Number Rating Contact Resistance Insulation Resistance Dielectric Strength Operation Force Total Travel Operation Life Operation Temperation Download
    R0194-B-R 3A 125VAC;1.5A 250VAC 50mΩ Max DC 500V 100MΩ Min AC 1000V 1 minute 200±100gf 2.5±0.4mm 10,000 cycles 0℃ ~+85℃ NULL
    R0194-C-G 3A 125VAC;1.5A 250VAC 50mΩ Max DC 500V 100MΩ Min AC 1000V 1 minute 200±100gf 2.5±0.4mm 10,000 cycles 0℃ ~+85℃ NULL
    R0194-A-B 3A 125VAC;1.5A 250VAC 50mΩ Max DC 500V 100MΩ Min AC 1000V 1 minute 200±100gf 2.5±0.4mm 10,000 cycles 0℃ ~+85℃ NULL
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