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    The tact switch is also called a push button switch. When used to meet the operating force, the pressure switch function is closed and connected to the switch operation direction. When the pressure is withdrawn, the switch will be disconnected. Its internal structure is realized by the force change of metal elastic fragments.
    The tact switch consists of: insert, base, shrapnel, button, cover plate. The waterproof tact switch adds a layer of polyimide film on the shrapnel. The tact switch has small contact resistance and accurate operation error. Advantages in terms of diversification of specifications.
    Dust-proof Tactile Switches R0190

    •  Contact Resistance:≤50mΩ
    •  Insulation Resistance:≥100MΩ
    •  Dielectric Strength:250V.AC.1Min
    •  Operating Force:250±30gf
    •  Rated Values:0.5A/12V
    •  Climate Grade:-30℃ ~70℃
    •  Travel:0.30±0.02
    •  Life:5,000,000cyces-10,000,000cyces
     Dust-proof Tactile Switches R0190 Figure  Dust-proof Switches R0190 Structure Diagram    Tactile Switches R0190 Structure Diagram      R0190 Structure Diagram


    Part Number Contact Resistance Insulation Resistance Dielectric Strength Operating Force Travel Life Rated Values Climate Grade Download
    R0190-H-3-R-V-B ≤50mΩ ≥100MΩ 250V.AC.1Min 250±30gf 0.30±0.02 5,000,000cyces-10,000,000cyces 0.5A/12V -30℃ ~70℃ NULL
    R0190-H-1-R-V-B ≤50mΩ ≥100MΩ 250V.AC.1Min 250±30gf 0.30±0.02 5,000,000cyces-10,000,000cyces 0.5A/12V -30℃ ~70℃ NULL
    R0190-M-2-R-V-R ≤50mΩ ≥100MΩ 250V.AC.1Min 250±30gf 0.30±0.02 5,000,000cyces-10,000,000cyces 0.5A/12V -30℃ ~70℃ NULL
    R0190-H-2-R-V-B ≤50mΩ ≥100MΩ 250V.AC.1Min 250±30gf 0.30±0.02 5,000,000cyces-10,000,000cyces 0.5A/12V -30℃ ~70℃ NULL
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