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    The LED button switch is a composite button switch of the button switch with LED. The switch function has an LED indicator inside, which can accurately indicate the on/off state of the switch, and is very convenient for the user to find the switch position in the dark. Its opening and closing operations are all in the same position, and the rocker automatically returns to a flat state when the hand is released, which has a longer life.
    Illuminated Key Switches R2092

    •  Rating:100mA max,42 VAC/DC
    •  Contact Resistance:100mΩ max.(initial)
    •  Insulation Resistance:100MΩ min
    •  Dielectric Strength:1,000 VAC
    •  Force:3N±0.75N
    •  Travel:0.6±0.2mm
    •  Operating Temperature Range:-25℃ ~+ 70℃
    •  Mechanical Life:1,000,000 cycles
           Illuminated Key Switches R2092 Figure       Illuminated Key Switches R2092 Structure Diagram         Switch R2092 Structure Diagram         R2092 Structure Diagram


    Part Number Rating Contact Resistance Insulation Resistance Dielectric Strength Force Travel Operating Temperature Mechanical Life Download
    R2092-5A0 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-5D0 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-5B 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-5C 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-9A 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-9B 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
    R2092-9C 100mA max,42 VAC/DC 100mΩ max.(initial) 100MΩ min 1,000 VAC 3N±0.75N 0.6±0.2mm -25℃ ~+ 70℃ 1,000,000 cycles NULL
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