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    X-type random access memory or XRAM is a new type of memory developed from three-level-cell and refresh-free. Different from the conventional DRAM and SRAM products, XRAM has the following features:
    1、Access Speed, 10 times faster than DRAM with around 10ns access latency;
    2、Density, From Megabit to Gigabit level;
    3、Power consumption, Around 40% reduction in power consumption;
    4、Refresh-free mechanism, Access at any time with no need for external refresh operation.
    By adopting advanced technologies with our refresh-free architecture, the XM6A series can support DRAM interface and high-speed DDR3 and can achieve 10ns Read/Write latency with no requirements for external refresh operation, which is functionally equivalent to SRAM. We offer two types of packaging, namely, BGA144 and BGA96. Both can meet your needs of high speed, low latency and reliability in product applications.
    Density PartNumber BW bit Vdd Interface Speed(MHz) Package Status Download
    144Mb XM8A04M36V18A X36 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
    144Mb XM8A08M18V18A X18 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
    72Mb XM6A02M36V18A X36 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
    72Mb XM8A04M18V18A X18 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
    36Mb XM6A01M36V18A X36 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
    36Mb XM8A02M18V18A X18 1.5/1.8V Common I/O 400/533/600 BGA96/144 2Q19 NULL
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