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    X-type random access memory or XRAM is a new type of memory developed from three-level-cell and refresh-free. Different from the conventional DRAM and SRAM products, XRAM has the following features:
    1、Access Speed, 10 times faster than DRAM with around 10ns access latency;
    2、Density, From Megabit to Gigabit level;
    3、Power consumption, Around 40% reduction in power consumption;
    4、Refresh-free mechanism, Access at any time with no need for external refresh operation.
    By adopting advanced technologies with our refresh-free architecture, the XM8A series can support asynchronous SRAM interface and achieve comparable performance with SRAMs of the same kind in large capacity, high speed and reliability. We can offer you products of low power consumption and with lower cost. The XM8A series, which is completely compatible with asynchronous SRAM, can meet your demands for high performance and lower price of various application systems.
    Density PartNumber BW bit Vdd Speed Package Status Download
    64Mb XM8A04M16V33A X16 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/TSOP2(54)/BGA(48) 2Q19 NULL
    64Mb XM8A08M08V33A X8 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/TSOP2(54)/BGA(48) 2Q19 NULL
    32Mb XM8A02M16V33A X16 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/BGA(48) 2Q19 NULL
    32Mb XM8A04M08V33A X8 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/BGA(48) 2Q19 NULL
    16Mb XM8A01M16V33A X16 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/BGA(48) MP NULL
    16Mb XM8A02M08V33A X8 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP1(48)/TSOP2(44)/BGA(48) MP NULL
    8Mb XM8A51216V33A X16 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP2(44)/TSOP1(48) MP NULL
    8Mb XM8A01M08V33A X8 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP2(44)/TSOP1(48) MP NULL
    4Mb XM8A25616V33A X16 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP2(44)/BGA(48) MP NULL
    4Mb XM8A51208V33A X8 3.3V 10/12ns TSOP2(44)/BGA(48) MP NULL
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