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    Parrallel pSRAM is designed to directly replace static random access memory (SRAM), even if internal memory operations are not static. Two types of commercial pseudo-static memories are pseudo-static random access memory (PSRAM) and ferroelectric random access memory (F-RAM). PSRAM is targeted at slow SRAM applications; it has a competitive advantage when calculating the cost of each bit purely. F-RAM is aimed at battery-backed SRAM (ie BBSRAM) applications and is competitive in terms of system cost and product supply. F-RAM also has a targeted use for non-volatile data acquisition, which can provide superior performance in such applications.
    AP Memory provides customer-centric memory solutions. From standard equipment to fully customized equipment, the products offered by PSRAM, DSRM and the supply chain are driven by customer requirements.
    Since its inception, billions of other storage devices have been shipped, including more than 5 billion KGD (known good) devices.
    AP Memory is headquartered in Taiwan and listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The main R & D departments are located in Japan, the United States and Greater China. Sales locations span the globe. In 2017, standard DRAM supplier Zentel Electronics became part of AP Memory. Products are widely used in NBIoT terminal devices, smart home gateways, smart meters, LTE Cat 1 / M modems, sensors, wearables, etc.
    Density Organization Part Number Data rate Voltage Temperature(°C) Commercial Temperature(°C) Industry KGD Status Download
    256Mb x16 ADMUX APS256 333 1.8 -40~85 -40~105 Y M NULL
    128Mb x16 ADMUX APS128 333 1.8 -40~85 -40~105 Y M NULL
    64Mb x16 ADMUX APS64 333 1.8 -40~85 -40~105 Y M NULL
    32Mb x16 ADMUX APS32 333 1.8 -40~85 -40~105 Y M NULL
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