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    NAND flash These memories are accessed much like block devices, such as hard disks. Each block consists of a number of pages. The pages are typically 512or 2,048 or 4,096 bytes in size. Associated with each page are a few bytes (typically 1/32 of the data size) that can be used for storage of an error correcting code (ECC) checksum.
        NAND sacrifices the random-access and execute-in-place advantages of NOR. NAND is best suited to systems requiring high capacity data storage. It offers higher densities, larger capacities, and lower cost. It has faster erases, sequential writes, and sequential reads.
    Jeju Semiconductor is one of the world largest SRAM solutions provider for mobile applications
    Since Jeju Semiconductor made a debut to the SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) market in 2001 with 4M SRAM, Jeju Semiconductor continued implementing full lineup of low power SRAM products through 1M, 2M, 4M to 8M SRAM.
    Density Part number Voltage NAND Configuration Package Interface Temp Download
    1Gb JS28P1GQSCAHG-83 1.7V to 1.95V 4-bit ECC 2K/64B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    1Gb JS28U1GQSCAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V 4-bit ECC 2K/64B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    2Gb JS28P2GQSDAHG-83 1.7V to 1.95V 4-bit ECC 2K/128B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    2Gb JS28U2GQSDAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V 4-bit ECC 2K/128B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    4Gb JS28U4GQSJAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V On-die ECC 2K/128B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    4Gb JS28U4GQSKAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V On-die ECC 4K/256B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    8Gb JS28U8GQSJAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V On-die ECC 2K/128B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
    8Gb JS28U8GQSKAHG-83 2.7V to 3.6V On-die ECC 4K/256B 8-LGA (8x6) Qual SPI Interface Industrial NULL
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