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    SPI Flash (ie SPI Nor Flash) is a kind of Nor Flash. NOR Flash can be divided into parallel (Parallel) NOR Flash and serial (SPI) NOR Flash according to the number of bits of data transmission. SPI Nor Flash transmits one bit at a time Parallel Nor Flash transfers multiple bits of data at a time. SPI Nor Flash is cheaper than parallel. The interface is simpler, but the speed is slower. NOR Flash is a non-volatile memory with the characteristics of large storage capacity and long data retention time. The number of erasing and writing is up to 100,000 times, and the data update speed is much faster than that of EEPROM. Can save data, often used to save some important configuration information. 
    NOR-MEM is committed to the development of a new generation of high-speed, high-density flash memory: impacting the market with unique patented technology, leading technological innovation, and launching the world's first three-dimensional NOR flash memory with low cost and high performance, suitable for code operation and data storage , It can compete in both traditional NOR and NAND markets. Continuously improve the performance of NOR flash memory and promote the development of next-generation NOR flash memory; In addition, Nuotron has successfully developed the world's first three-dimensional high-density NOR flash memory prototype chip, reducing the size of the NOR flash memory SLC unit to only 4F, greatly reducing NOR manufacturing costs and increasing the price. It can compete with NAND while maintaining the code running function of NOR. 
    NM25Q128EVBTIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 24-Ball BGA (5x5 ball array) Default x8I/O NULL
    NM25Q128EVBPIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (6x5mm) Default x6I/O NULL
    NM25Q128EVBWIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (8x6mm) Default x7I/O NULL
    N M25Q128EVBBIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-DIP(300mil) Default x5I/O NULL
    NM25Q128EVBFIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 16-SOP(300mil) Default x4I/O NULL
    NM25Q128EVBVIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-VSOP (208mil) Default x3I/O NULL
    NM25Q128EVBSIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-SOP (208mil) Default x2I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCTIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 24-Ball BGA (5x5 ball array) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25L256FVAFIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 16-SOP (300mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25L256FVATIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 24-Ball BGA (5x5 ball array) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBSIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-SOP (208mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBVIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-VSOP (208mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBFIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 16-SOP(300mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBBIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-DIP(300mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBPIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (6x5mm ) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBWIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (8x6mm ) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVBTIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 24- Ball BGA (5x5 ball array) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCSIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-SOP (208mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCVIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-VSOP (208mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCFIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 16-SOP(300mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCBIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-DIP(300mil) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCPIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (6x5mm) Default x1I/O NULL
    NM25Q64EVCWIG 104 -40°C to 85°C 8-WSON (8x6mm) Default x1I/O NULL
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