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    MindMotion Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is a leading domestic supplier focusing on MCU products and MCU application solutions. It is an integrated circuit design enterprise recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China and the Shanghai Municipal Information Office, and it is also a high-tech recognized by Shanghai enterprise. Since its establishment in March 2011, Smart Microelectronics has successfully completed the design and promotion of more than ten MCU products, including Flash MCU, OTP MCU, EEPROM MCU based on 8051, ARM® Cortex®-M0, ARM® Cortex®-M3 cores And other products, products and solutions are widely used in industrial control, smart home appliances, smart homes, wearable devices, automotive electronics, instrumentation and other fields.
    MindMotion Microelectronics Co., Ltd. library files and routines, information about MindMotion Microelectronics Co., Ltd. products and related product solutions can be obtained from our company. Welcome to inquire at 137-5119-2923.
    File name Document description Version Download
    MM32 Development kit Support MM32 n/p/q version, compatible with Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), and provide corresponding sample code. 2.0.16
    MM32F003xx(q) Library functions and routines Support MM32F003 q version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version examples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.09
    MM32F031xx(q) Library functions and routines Support MM32F031x4, MM32F031x6 q version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version examples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.12
    MM32F031xx(n) Library functions and routines Support MM32F031x4, MM32F031x6, MM32F031x8, MM32F031xB n version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples and register version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. . 2.09
    MM32F032xx(s) Library functions and routines Support MM32F032xx s version, compatible with Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration and register version samples. 1.1
    MM32F103xx(n) Library functions and routines Support MM32F103x8, MM32F103xB n version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration and register version samples. 1.1
    MM32F103xx(o) Library functions and routines Support MM32F103xC, MM32F103xE o version, compatible with Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version examples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.08
    MM32L0xx(s) Library functions and routines Support MM32L0x_s version, compatible with Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration and register version samples. 1.05
    MM32L0xx(n) Library functions and routines Support MM32L05x, MM32L06x, MM32L07x n version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples and register version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.2
    MM32L3xx(n) Library functions and routines Support MM32L362, MM32L373 n version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration and register version samples. 1.39
    MM32SPIN0x(q) Library functions and routines Support MM32SPIN05x q version, compatible with Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration and register version samples. 1.05
    MM32SPIN0x(n) Library functions and routines Support MM32SPIN05x, MM32SPIN06x, MM32SPIN07x n version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples and register version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.04
    MM32SPIN0x(s) Library functions and routines Support MM32SPIN0x_s version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version samples and register version samples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.09
    MM32SPIN2x(p) Library functions and routines Support MM32SPIN25x, MM32SPIN27x p version, compatible with Cortex-M microcontroller software interface standard (CMSIS), support MM32 standard library functions, and provide library function version examples such as GPIO, SYSTICK configuration, etc. 1.11
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