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    8-bit MCU are widely used in various fields such as industrial control, intelligent interface, instrumentation, etc. due to their strong functions. 8-bit single-chip microcomputers still occupy the mainstream position in medium and small-scale applications. Plays an increasingly important role.
    Hangzhou Lingxin Microelectronics Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, design and sales of integrated circuit chips. He has rich experience in independently developing 8-bit and 32-bit CPU and DSP cores. Deep chip architecture and design experience accumulation, independent and controllable TOP-DOWN design process capability. The products are widely used in industrial and automotive automation control, new energy control and management (new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, energy storage, etc.), household appliance control, consumer product control and other application fields.
    Part Number CPU Core EEPROM(Byte) Flash(Byte) RAM(Byte) GPIO Package Download
    LCM08F18G(H)S24 8051 256 16K 1K 18 SSOP24 NULL
    LCM08F18G(H)T20 8051 256 16K 1K 18 TSSOP20 NULL
    LCM08F18G(H)D12 8051 256 16K 1K 18 DFN72 NULL
    LCM08F003G(H)T20 8051 256 16K 1K 18 TSSOP20 NULL
    LCM08F003G(H)Q20 8051 256 16K 1K 18 QFN20 NULL
    LCM08F16L48F 8051 256 16K 512 45 LQFP48 NULL
    LCM08F16L32 8051 256 16K 512 30 LQFP32 NULL
    LCM08F16S28 8051 256 16K 512 26 SOP28 NULL
    LCM08F16SS24 8051 256 16K 512 22 SSOP24 NULL
    LCM08F16524D 8051 256 16K 512 22 SSOP24 NULL
    LCM08F08S24 8051 128 8K 512 22 SSOP24 NULL
    LCM08F08T20 8051 128 8K 512 18 TSSOP20 NULL
    LCM08F002T20 8051 128 8K 512 18 TSSOP20 NULL
    LCM08F002AQ20 8051 128 8K 512 18 QFN20 NULL
    LCM08F04GS20 8051 128 4K 256 18 TSSOP20 NULL
    LCM08F04GS16 8051 128 4K 256 4 SOP16 NULL
    LCM08F04GD12 8051 128 4K 256 9 DFN12 NULL
    LCM08F04GD8 8051 128 4K 256 6 DFN8 NULL
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