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    Power Management Integrated Circuits is a chip that is responsible for the conversion, distribution, detection and other power management responsibilities of electrical energy in the electronic equipment system. It is mainly responsible for identifying the power supply amplitude of the CPU and generating the corresponding short-moment waves. Promote the subsequent circuit for power output.
    Dialog provides flexible, scalable and highly integrated system PMIC and innovative product portfolio of subsystem PMIC, as well as easy-to-use design tools and extensive reference designs. To meet the cost, flexibility, efficiency and small size requirements of today's smart phones, IoT devices, consumer/industrial electronics and automotive electronic systems.
    • Flexible and fully configurable power sequencing to meet your exact voltage and current needs
    • Scalable solution approach can be used across multiple platforms
    • Highly integrated to reduce BOM and circuit board assembly costs
    • Use Dialog’s SmartCanvas ™ GUI for simple digital programming for fast and easy design reuse
    • Nano-power PMIC can extend battery life in wearable devices and smart home applications
    • 4-phase buck with remote sensing and phase shedding
    • 2-phase dual buck with remote sensing and phase cut function
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