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    Bluetooth Low Energy Chip (BLE): refers to a module that supports Bluetooth protocol 4.0 or higher, also known as (Bluetooth Low Energy Module) BLE Bluetooth chip. The biggest advantage of this BLE Bluetooth chip is the success rate and power consumption of the connection The j is reduced, and the Bluetooth low energy technology uses a variable connection time interval, which can be set from a few milliseconds to a few seconds depending on the specific application.
    Shanghai Macrogiga Electronics Co.,Ltd. was co-founded by China's first-class IC design experts. Shanghai Giant Micro Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd. follows the trend of wireless Internet and invests in the upcoming development of the Internet of Things industry, focusing on BLE Bluetooth chips and related system design. , Provide the most cost-effective wireless sensor chips and solutions, and become the main supplier of wireless sensor nodes. Its core technical capabilities cover the design of radio frequency, simulation, SOC and system software.
    Giant Micro's BLE-Beacon dedicated chip is a unique dedicated functional chip in the industry, with the smallest package, the fewest peripheral circuits, and the easiest and most flexible system application.
    Part Number VDD(v) MCU Core ROM RAM IO ADC UART I2C PWM Timer Package Download
    MG127 1.9 ~ 3.6 ASIC - - - - - - - - DFN10 NULL
    MG123 1.9 ~ 3.6 ASIC - - - - - - - - MSOP10 NULL
    MG126 1.9 ~ 3.6 ASIC - - - - - - - - QFN16 NULL
    MS1581 1.9 ~ 3.6 8bit OTP 2KW 128B 9 - - - 5 3 SOP16 NULL
    MS1797 2.0 ~ 3.6 32bit Flash 128KB 8KB 21 7x12bit 2 1 6 7 QFN32 NULL
    MS1586 1.9 ~ 3.6 8bit OTP 4KW 256B 9 7X12bit - - 5 3 SOP16 NULL
    MS1656 2.4 ~ 3.6 CM0+ Flash 64KB 4B 11 4chX12bit 1 1 7 7 QFN20 NULL
    MS1793S 2.0 ~ 3.6 32bit Flash 32KB 4KB 11 9x12bit 1 1 5 7 TSSOP24 NULL
    MS1793 2.0 ~ 3.6 32bit Flash 128KB 8KB 12 6x12bit 1 1 5 7 QFN32 NULL
    MS1791 2.0 ~ 3.6 CM0 Flash 128KB 8B 21 9chx12bit 2 1 7 7 QFN32 NULL
    MS1892 2.0 ~ 3.6 CM3 Flash 512KB 128B 29 9chx12bit 3 1 16 11 QFN40 NULL
    MG333 1.9 ~ 3.6 / / / / / / / / / MSOP-10 NULL
    MG337 / / / / / / / / / / / NULL
    MG1751 / / 31.5KBMTP 6B / LVD / / 5 2 QFN24 NULL
    MG1596 / / / / / / / / / / QFN40-5x5 NULL
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