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    Shanghai Macrogiga Electronics Co.,Ltd. focuses on chip and related system design, provides the most cost-effective general-purpose wireless chips and wireless sensor chips and solutions, and has become the main supplier of wireless sensor nodes. Its core technical capabilities cover the design of radio frequency, simulation, SOC and system software.
    Our company provides a complete set of flexible and diverse product solutions for IoT applications, including Bluetooth chip and MCU + Bluetooth combo chip and 32-bit MCU single-chip product solutions. We provide software and hardware technical support to build a simple, fast and efficient IoT application development platform. It can customize IoT applications, home automation, medical care, sports fitness monitoring, and other wearable smart devices for customers.
    ---Product data downloadMS1656---

    Augmented reality (AR) game gun solution

    An Introduction:
    The AR gun is connected to the mobile phone APP via Bluetooth. This connection method is simple, compatible, and responsive. With the help of a flexible chip architecture, various flexible low-cost AR gun solutions are provided.
    Option 1: Use MS1793
    Main features: support OTA (online upgrade), support 3-channel ADC (multi-axis joystick), etc.
    Option 2: Use MS1591/MG117
    Main features: Support 4-button control and joystick operation. Launched a low-cost AR gun solution.
    The main games supported are: AR Fighter/Crazy Racing (online)/Gangster Terminator/Advance Zombie/Dune Overlord/AR Ghost Squad/Life and Death Sniper/FireWire Skeleton/Zombie Killer/Sniper Training/Cockroach Troll/Interstellar pirate

    Recommended model

    Bluetooth smart lighting

    An Introduction:
    Support scenarios: point-to-point remote control smart lights;
    This solution realizes the dimming and color adjustment of LED lights on the low-cost solution of Giant Micro via standard Bluetooth protocol. Alternative chip models: MS1793, MS1591. Support WeChat Mini Program Juwei Smart Lighting Mini Program
    Support scenarios: point-to-group or multiple groups of remote smart lights (MG-Mesh);
    This solution uses Juwei's innovative MG-Mesh system architecture to achieve LED self-organization and dimming at the lowest cost. Both mobile phone and remote control can be controlled.

    Recommended model

    BLE-Beacon Indoor positioning and beacons

    上海巨微藍(lán)牙芯片BLE-Beacon室內(nèi)定位和信標(biāo)解決方案 An Introduction:
    The solution is compatible with iBeacon, Eddystone, WeChat peripherals, and all channel standards based on BLE-Beacon. Its launch function, interval and content can be flexibly set. It is the only dedicated transmitter chip in the industry. It is widely used in WeChat shake, wireless badge, electronic fence and other occasions.

    Smart scale solution

    An Introduction:
    Based on the innovative Bluetooth chip architecture, Juwei provides customers with two sets of flexible smart scale wireless transmission solutions.
    Solution 1: Adopt a standard single-chip data transmission system, which can be connected with the general APP in the market.
    Recommended modelMS1793
    Solution 2: Using the one-way data transmission chip of the Bluetooth broadcast channel, the optimal cost-effective solution can be obtained. Provide APP reference solutions.
    Recommended modelMG127 

    Bluetooth thermometer solution

    An Introduction:
    Based on the innovative Bluetooth chip architecture, Giant Micro provides two sets of flexible wireless thermometer transmission solutions for customers.
    Solution 1: Adopt a standard single-chip data transmission system, which can be connected with the general APP in the market.
    Recommended modelMS1793
    Solution 2: Using the one-way data transmission chip of the Bluetooth broadcast channel, the optimal cost-effective solution can be obtained. Provide APP reference solutions.
    Recommended modelMG127 

    For more product solutions, please contact us, welcome to inquire:+86-137-5119-2923   Tel:+86-0755-6665 8299
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