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    Energeic Microelectronics Inc. is a market oriented fabless semiconductor company. Focusing on storage, display driver, interface conversion chip design, production, and sales. The company has an internationally renowned design expert and experienced engineer research and development team, working closely with well-known domestic production partners in the front and rear tracks. Deeply exploring customer applications, relying on strong research and development capabilities, integrating cutting-edge technological concepts to quickly respond to customer changing needs, providing industry customers with high-quality, low-cost, and continuously stable supply of independent intellectual property integrated circuit products. The product fields include intelligent sensing, network visualization, informatization, information security, big data analysis, intelligent voice, application display, special communication, and intelligent buildings.
    Energeic Microelectronics Inc. is a market oriented fabless semiconductor company. Focusing on storage, display driver, interface conversion chip design, production, and sales. The company has an internationally renowned design expert and experienced engineer research and development team, working closely with well-known domestic production partners in the front and rear tracks. Deeply exploring customer applications, relying on strong research and development capabilities, integrating cutting-edge technological concepts to quickly respond to customer changing needs, providing industry customers with high-quality, low-cost, and continuously stable supply of independent intellectual property integrated circuit products. The product fields include intelligent sensing, network visualization, informatization, information security, big data analysis, intelligent voice, application display, special communication, and intelligent buildings.
    Part Number Voltage Description Download
    ES1141 3.3V power supply HDMI 1.4 4-In/1-Out Switcher NULL
    ES2242S 3.3V power supply 4 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0,M3 MCU NULL
    ES2242 3.3V power supply 4 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0 NULL
    ES2241 3.3V power supply 4 in/1 Out,HDMI2.0 NULL
    ES2241S 3.3V power supply 4 in/1 Out,HDMI2.0,M3 MCU NULL
    ES2222S 3.3V power supply 2 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0,M0 MCU NULL
    ES2222 3.3V power supply 2 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0 NULL
    ES2212S 3.3V power supply 1 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0,M0 MCU NULL
    ES2212 3.3V power supply 1 in/2 Out,HDMI2.0 NULL
    ES2222E 3.3V power supply 2 in/2 Out, HDMI2.0,M0 MCU Extender Chip NULL
    ES1131 3.3V power supply HDMI 1.4 3-In/1-Out Switcher NULL
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