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    Whether you are developing IoT applications for smart homes, consumers, industries, commercial, or medical, Silicon Labs’ complete Bluetooth portfolio has your entire product life-cycle covered – including the hardware, software, security, development, and maintenance.broad range of Bluetooth SoCs and modules provides an optimal solution for all IoT needs. The SDK with the latest software features and our single-stack approach enables you to build epic IoT solutions fast! 
    Silicon Labs provides flexible, highly integrated Bluetooth products that can meet the most demanding requirements of a wide range of applications. Products designed by Silicon Labs have a long service life and are equipped with optimal RF sensitivity and power consumption. In addition, Silicon Labs also provides easy-to-use but powerful software solutions that simplify the application development and integration process.
    Part Number BLE Stack? (dBm)? Core? GPIO? Flash(kB)? RAM(kB)? Annotation Download
    Wireless Xpress BGX220 5/5.1/5.2 8 M33 8 / Wireless Xpress Modules BGX220 NULL
    EFR32BG22 Series 2 Modules 5/5.1/5.2 8 M33 24/25 352/512 32 EFR32BG22 Based Modules (Series 2) NULL
    EFR32BG22 Series 2 SoCs 5/5.1/5.2 6 M33 18/26 352/512 32 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG22 SoCs (Series 2) NULL
    Wireless Xpress BGX13 5/5.1 8 M4 / / Bluetooth Low Energy Wireless Xpress Modules BGX13 NULL
    EFR32BG13 Series 1 Modules 5/5.1 19 M4 / 512 64 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG13 Based Modules (Series 1) NULL
    EFR32BG21 Series 2 Modules 5/5.1 20 M33 20 1024 96 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG21 Based Modules (Series 2) NULL
    EFR32BG21 Series 2 SoCs 5/5.1 20 M33 17/20 512/768/1024 64/96 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG21 SoCs (Series 2) NULL
    EFR32BG1 Series 1?Modules 5.1 8 M4 / 256 32 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG1 Based Modules (Series 1) NULL
    EFR32BG13 Series 1 SoCs 5/5.1/4.x 20 M4 16/31 512 64 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG13 SoCs (Series 1) NULL
    EFR32BG1 Series 1 SoCs 5/4.x 20 M4 16/19/28/31 256 32 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG1 SoCs (Series 1) NULL
    EFR32BG12 Series 1 SoCs 5/4.x 20 M4 28/31/46/65 512/1024 64/128/256 Bluetooth Low Energy EFR32BG12 SoCs (Series 1) NULL
    Bluegiga Legacy Modules 4.x 8 8051 / 128/256 8 Bluetooth Low Energy Bluegiga Legacy Modules NULL
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