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    Shanghai Macrogiga Electronics Co.,Ltd. focuses on chip and related system design, provides the most cost-effective general-purpose wireless chips and wireless sensor chips and solutions, and has become the main supplier of wireless sensor nodes. Its core technical capabilities cover the design of radio frequency, simulation, SOC and system software.
    Our company uses the MS1656 Bluetooth chip independently developed by Shanghai Juwei, combined with the powerful functions of APP, and is applied to the light strip to realize intelligent gradation, scene mode, intelligent timing, remote control through the wall, support for voice control switches and other functions. The receiving sensitivity meets the requirements of real-time operation, guarantees the control range and success rate of the smart light strip, and has a good performance in safety, convenience and scalability. A variety of platform certification products are interconnected and interconnected to ensure a more consistent experience .
    ---Product data downloadMS1656---

    Bluetooth mobile phone APP + infrared remote control lamp belt control solution
    藍牙手機APP+紅外遙控器燈帶控方案 111 An Introduction
    The Bluetooth mobile phone APP+infrared remote control lamp belt control solution supports two-way, three-way, four-way and five-way lamp belt control. This solution is compatible with the low-power Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) protocol, and can be controlled by a smart phone. This solution uses Juwei MS1656 chip, supports voice control switches, has high receiving sensitivity, and realizes the requirements of real-time operation. Ensure the control range and success rate of the smart light belt.
    1. The mobile APP supports Android and IOS system mobile phone control;
    2. This program supports conventional 24-key infrared remote control (user code "00FF");
    3. This program provides free public version of the mobile APP for use;
    4. Use the mobile phone to perform dimming, color adjustment, switching, and rhythm operations on the L ED light strip;
    5. Support 5--24V input, maximum 3A per channel;
    6. This solution can use domestic MS1656 chip;
    Application scenario
    This bluetooth controller solution is suitable for DC 5~24V low-voltage light strip control, and supports RGB light strip control.

    Smart Bluetooth mobile phone APP lamp with controller solution
    智能藍牙手機APP燈帶控制器方案 111 An Introduction
    The Bluetooth smart phone APP LED light control solution is compatible with the low-power Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) protocol, and supports two-way, three-way, four-way and five-way light strip control. This LED light control solution Bluetooth hardware solution is specially developed for smart home LED light bar lighting. The bluetooth smart phone light belt controller can choose the domestic giant micro MS1656 chip, the operating voltage of the MS1656 chip is 2.4V ~ 3.6V, and the operating temperature range includes -40°C to +85°C conventional type. It has the characteristics of low voltage, low power consumption, low standby current, strong signal, and fast wake-up.
    1. The mobile APP supports Android and IOS system mobile phone control;
    2. This program provides free public version of the mobile APP for use;
    3. This solution supports two-way, three-way, four-way, and five-way lamp belt control;
    4. Use the mobile phone to perform dimming, color adjustment, switching, and rhythm operations on the L ED light strip;
    5. Support 5~24V input, maximum 3A per channel;
    6. This solution can choose the giant micro MS1656 chip
    Application scenario
    This Bluetooth controller solution is suitable for DC 5~24V low-voltage light strip control, and supports warm white and cold white light strip control, RGB light strip control, RGBW light strip control and RGB WW CW light strip control.

    For more product solutions, please contact us, welcome to inquire:+86-137-5119-2923   Tel:+86-0755-6665 8299
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