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    Smart rope skipping includes a rope skipping device, a three-axis acceleration sensor and a cloud training database. The rope skipping device consists of a rope body, a power module, a Bluetooth module and a handle. The three-axis acceleration sensor is connected to the rope body, and the input end of the three-axis acceleration sensor is connected to the The output terminals of the power module are connected to each other, the output terminal of the three-axis acceleration sensor is connected to the input terminal of the counting processing module, the output terminal of the counting processing module is connected to the input terminal of the local storage module, and the mobile terminal device is connected to the handle through the Bluetooth module The Bluetooth modules are connected to each other.
    Smart rope skipping solution   智能跳繩藍牙芯片解決方案

    With the gradual deepening of people's concept of healthy exercise data, more and more fitness equipment is added to the intelligent design scene. Through the Bluetooth connection APP control to achieve accurate exercise recording, the smart rope skipping has a built-in magnetic sensor to accurately record the number of times the user skips the rope, and can also monitor the length of exercise and the calories consumed by the exercise, so that users can optimize their training plan with the data.
    The smart rope skipping Bluetooth chip solution combines a simple and effective exercise method with a simple and easy-to-use APP. The built-in smart chip, Bluetooth 4.0 works with the APP, can be viewed in real time, and records your total skipping times, duration, maximum consecutive times, and calories Consumption and other data, effective and scientific statistics of exercise data, and management of exercise plans at any time and place, in an increasingly stressful life, also allows you to maintain healthy exercise at any time.
    ---Product data downloadMS1656---  
      Features     scheme introduce  
      ·Functions include counting, timing, and calorie counting, exercise data sharing can be realized through APP     ·Using Macrogiga low-power Bluetooth chip MS1656, the count is accurate and the Bluetooth link works stably  
      ·Historical record query; calories consumed and food eaten PK, win or lose;     ·Support Android version, ISO version APP, support WeChat, QQ, mobile phone number login
      ·Add music; set personal information, gender, height, age, current weight, target weight.     ·With ranking, record query and other functions  
      Can be customized according to requirements        

    For more product solutions, please contact us, welcome to inquire:+86-137-5119-2923   Tel:+86-0755-6665 8299
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