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    8-bit MCU are widely used in various fields such as industrial control, intelligent interface, instrumentation, etc. due to their strong functions. 8-bit single-chip microcomputers still occupy the mainstream position in medium and small-scale applications. Plays an increasingly important role.
    Nuvoton Technology was established in 2008, focusing on the development of IC products for microcontrollers/microprocessing, smart home and cloud security related applications. Related products have a leading position in the industrial electronics, consumer electronics and computer markets; Nuvoton Technology It is a leading supplier of 8051 single-chip microcomputers and has been in the field of 8051 single-chip microcomputers for many years. It has continuously provided products with the best cost-effective solutions, which can be applied to various industrial or consumer product applications to meet diverse customer needs.
    Part No. Core Flash(Kbytes) SRAM(bytes) ISP ROM I/O UART SPI I2C PWM ADC Temp.(℃) Package Download
    N76E003AT20 8051 18 256+768 Y 18 2 1 1 6 8 -40~+105℃ TSSOP20 NULL
    N76E003AQ20 8051 18 256+768 Y 18 2 1 1 6 8 -40~+105℃ QFN20 NULL
    N76E003BQ20 8051 18 256+768 Y 18 2 1 1 6 8 -40~+105℃ QFN20 NULL
    N76E885AT20 8051 18 512 Y 18 2 1 1 8 10 -40~+105℃ TSSOP20 NULL
    N76E885AT28 8051 18 512 Y 26 2 1 1 8 10 -40~+105℃ TSSOP28 NULL
    N76E616AL48 8051 18 512 Y 46 2 / 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ LQFP48 NULL
    N76E616AF44 8051 18 512 Y 42 2 / 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ PQFP44 NULL
    N76E616AM44 8051 18 512 Y 42 2 / 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ LQFP44 NULL
    N79E715AS28 8051 16 512 2 25 1 1 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ SOP28 NULL
    N79E715AS20 8051 16 512 2 17 1 1 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ SOP20 NULL
    N79E715AS16 8051 16 512 2 13 1 1 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ SOP16 NULL
    N79E715AT28 8051 16 512 2 25 1 1 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ TSSOP28 NULL
    N79E715AT20 8051 16 512 2 17 1 1 1 4 8 -40~+105℃ TSSOP20 NULL
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