    主頁 ? 產品中心 ? Microcontroller ? M7雙核MCU ? Renesas ? RZ/T2M ?
    瑞薩電子RZ系列基于32位和64位Arm®的高端微處理器(MPU)為未來的智能社會提供了所需的解決方案。通過各種基于Arm Cortex®-A7、A9、A15、A53、A57及R4的設備,工程師可以輕松實現高分辨率人機界面(HMI)、嵌入式視覺、嵌入式人工智能(e-AI)和實時控制,以及工業以太網連接。
    High-performance Multi-function MPU Realizing High-speed Processing and High Precision Control for Industrial AC Servos and Controllers

    RZ/T2M is an industry-leading high-performance multi-function MPU that realizes high-speed processing, high precision control, and functional safety required for industrial equipment such as AC servos and industrial motors. Powered by dual Arm® Cortex®-R52 cores with a maximum frequency of 800MHz for real-time control and embedded with a large tightly coupled memory (576KB) directly connected to the CPU to realize high-performance real-time processing, RZ/T2M enables low latency access by arranging the peripherals for motor control to the LLPP (Low Latency Peripheral Port) that is directly connected to the CPU. RZ/T2M has a multi-protocol encoder interface that supports various absolute encoder protocols such as A-format™, EnDat, and BiSS®. Additionally, RZ/T2M has a 3-port Gigabit Ethernet switch supporting the TSN standard and EtherCAT slave controller. RZ/T2M realizes high speed and highly precise motor control and industrial Ethernet communication such as EtherCAT, PROFINET RT/IRT and EtherNet/IP on a single chip.

    •CPU: Arm® Cortex®-R52 x 2, maximum operating frequency 800MHz
    •3-port Gigabit Ethernet switch with TSN
    •Trigonometric function accelerator
    •Memory: Tightly coupled memory 576KB (with ECC), internal RAM 2MB (with ECC)
    •Industrial Ethernet: EtherCAT®, PROFINET® RT/IRT, EtherNet/IP™, etc.
    •Encoder interface: 2ch (supports A-format™, EnDat, BiSS®, HIPERFACE® DSL, FA-CODER)
    •Functional safety support up to SIL3
    •Motor current loop < 1µs
    •Octa/Quad SPI support
    •PWM: 3-phase complementary PWM output for dual motor control?
    •ADC: 12-bit x 2 units
    •ΔΣ I/F: 6ch
    •Package: 320-pin BGA, 225-pin BGA, 176-pin QFP, 128-pin QFP
    •Voltage: Core 1.1V, I/O 3.3/1.8V

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