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    HitStoneMicro (Xiamen) Integrated Circuit Co.,Dianjingwei (Xiamen) Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd. is a technology-intensive and talent-intensive high-tech enterprise. After years of independent research and development, it has gradually formed a series of integrated circuit products such as analog-to-digital conversion and lithium battery management. Especially in the aspect of high-precision measurement and control, through years of technical accumulation, it has broken through relevant technical barriers, and mastered the key technologies of lithium battery pack protection, control and measurement MCU and high-precision analog-to-digital conversion chip design technology.
    Lithium battery pack protection chip HSM1105
    Ultra-low power consumption lithium battery pack protection chip HSM1105 This chip has the functions of voltage, flow temperature and open circuit detection, and can be stacked according to needs to meet the needs of more battery packs. A series of voltage, current and temperature protection functions can be implemented, and no MCU control is required.
    HSM1105 is a low-power lithium battery pack protection chip. The chip provides a stackable connection method, which makes the chip flexibly suitable for 3-cell to 20-cell battery applications. Chip configurations such as protection threshold, delay time, and fault recovery mode are programmed before leaving the factory, and there are various chip configurations to choose from. The chip provides over-voltage, under-voltage and open-circuit fault detection for each battery, and also detects the current of the battery pack, provides discharge over-current and short-circuit fault detection, and also provides independent discharge and charge over-temperature (OTD and UTD). ) and discharge and charge undertemperature (OTC and UTC) thresholds, further increasing application flexibility. The chip integrates an independent FET driver circuit to control the charge and discharge low-side NMOS FETs separately, and has the FET body diode protection feature. Through the cascade operation mode of the chip, it also provides a multi-cell battery protection scheme with more than 5 batteries


    Features • Independent charging and discharging FET drive circuit, FET body diode protection characteristics;
    •  Full set of voltage, current and temperature protection; • The absolute maximum rated voltage of each battery input is 32V;
    •  Flexible battery cell configuration: from 3 cells to 20 cells or more; • High reliability BIST (built-in self-test) circuit;
    •  Voltage protection (accuracy ±25mv) 1 • Ultra low power consumption:
    -  Overvoltage: 3V to 4.575V - Normal working mode: 8uA;
    - Undervoltage: 1.2V to 3V - Sleep mode: 0.5uA
    • Battery open circuit detection; Application
    • Current protection: • Power tools, gardening tools
    - Discharge overcurrent level 1: current detection resistor terminal voltage -10mV to -85mV (different configurations) • Lightweight electric vehicles such as electric bicycles
    - Discharge overcurrent level 2: Current sense resistor terminal voltage -20mV to -175mV (different configurations) • Lead acid (PbA) backup battery
    - Discharge short circuit: Current sense resistor terminal voltage -40mV to -340mV (different configurations) • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and other energy storage systems
    - Full temperature range: for ≤-20mV accuracy ±3%; for >-20mV accuracy ±4%; • Various battery packs
    • Temperature protection: charging over-temperature, discharging over-temperature, charging under-temperature, discharging under-temperature;  

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