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    The operational amplifier is an electronic integrated circuit that contains a multi-stage amplifying circuit. Its input stage is a differential amplifier circuit, which has high input resistance and zero-drift suppression capability; the intermediate stage mainly performs voltage amplification and has a high voltage amplification factor. It is composed of a pole amplifying circuit; the output pole is connected to the load, and has the characteristics of strong load capacity and low output resistance. Operational amplifiers are used in a wide variety of applications. Widely used in: communication network, consumer electronics, multimedia, industrial automatic control, instrumentation, liquid crystal display, automotive electronics, wearable devices and the Internet of Things and many other fields.
    AnalogSemi Technology Co., Ltd. is mainly from the industry-leading analog design enterprises Texas Instruments (Ti) and Adeno (ADI), with an average of more than 15 years of experience in integrated circuit market, design, testing, operation and mass production, and a large number of integrated circuit design and invention patents. We will be committed to the analog and mixed signal segmentation industry and continue to work hard to provide the market with first-class stable and consistent products.
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