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    The voice recognition chip is also called the voice recognition IC. Compared with the traditional voice chip, the biggest feature of the voice recognition chip is that it can recognize the voice. It allows the machine to understand the human voice, and can perform various actions according to the command, such as blinking the eyes. , Move your mouth (smart doll). In addition, the voice recognition chip also has high-quality, high-compression rate recording and playback functions, which can realize man-machine dialogue. The speech recognition chip has the characteristics of ultra-low cost, high reliability, and strong versatility. In terms of voice technology, it has realized high-reliable wake-up recognition rate, longer-distance wake-up, lower false wake-up rate, richer number of voice control commands, stronger anti-noise ability, faster response and recognition time, and no networking Pure offline recognition.
    Shanghai Wanson Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise with independent intellectual property rights, focusing on providing artificial intelligence AIOT services for the Internet of Things. The company has a number of artificial intelligence core algorithms, such as: acoustic front-end microphone array (SMA), far sound noise reduction (NS), echo suppression (AEC), artificial intelligence deep neural network speech recognition (KWS, ASR), voiceprint recognition (VPR) and other core algorithms, with rich experience in research and project implementation. Wanson Electronics aggregates core algorithm capabilities to launch a full-scale artificial intelligence open platform that empowers all industries-VoiceBrain open platform, integrated chip + cloud solution, providing front-end noise reduction, microphone array algorithm, speech recognition engine and other full chain capabilities.
    Part Number Describe Feature Download
    VB6824 AI offline voice recognition + dual-mode bluetooth solution The recognition time is less than 150ms, the misjudgment rate is extremely low, the comprehensive recognition rate can reach more than 98%, and the recognition distance: supports 5 meters of reliable voice recognition NULL
    VB590 Provide offline voice recognition / local voice recognition solutions The comprehensive recognition rate can reach more than 95%, the recognition time is less than 150ms, support voice enhancement, voice noise reduction, and achieve single-mic far-field recognition NULL
    VB580 Provide offline voice recognition / local voice recognition solutions Far-field recognition, long-distance sound pickup, recognition distance of more than 5 meters, recognition rate as high as 98%, and misjudgment rate is extremely low, and people around you are talking, and will not cause false triggers and misoperations NULL
    DM6291 Provide offline voice recognition / local voice recognition solutions The recognition rate is as high as 98%, far-field recognition, long-distance sound pickup, recognition distance of more than 5 meters, and recognition of Mandarin/pure dialects with different accents in different regions NULL
    DM6292 Provide online voice recognition/remote voice recognition solutions Support cloud general semantic understanding, support personalized private semantic understanding, provide cloud third-party content, music radio and other audio resources NULL
    A550 Support 1000 Chinese and English instructions voice recognition chip Supports the recognition of unspecified Chinese and English speech, noise reduction through dual microphones, and allows users to update keywords and key sentences through the USB interface NULL
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