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    The single chip computer mainly includes CPU, ROM and RAM. The diversified data acquisition and control system can enable the single chip computer to complete various complex operations, whether it is to control the operation symbols or issue the operation instructions to the system, it can be completed through the single chip computer. It can be seen that the single chip computer can be fully applied in intelligent electronic equipment with its powerful data processing technology and calculation function. Our company Yingshang Microelectronics can provide a complete set of flexible and diverse MCU product solutions for market demand. It can reduce the cost of your product development. In the field of product research and development, rich technology and product resources will create lower cost electronic products for you! We provide hardware and software technical support. It can customize consumer electronics, automotive electronics, electric tools, industrial control and other fields for customers.
    Consumer electronic products are electronic products that are closely related to life, work and entertainment designed around consumer applications, and ultimately achieve the purpose of consumers' free choice of information and enjoyment of entertainment. Including equipment for entertainment, communication and entertainment. Most consumer electronics products have been based on digital technology, and have been largely integrated with the computer industry in the context of increasingly being called information technology consumerism. Some consumer electronics stores have also started selling office and baby furniture.

    Examples of application cases of consumer appliances

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    Electric Fan
    ● Voltage range: DC 12V~24V
    ● Power range: 10W~50W
    ● Speed range: 100RPM~2000RPM
    ● Control mode: double resistance non-inductive FOC+double closed-loop control
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Advantages of the scheme: low noise, fast start, upwind start
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    Vacuum Cleaner ● Voltage range: DC 12V~36V
    ● Power range: 30W~450W
    ● Speed range: 5000RPM~160000RPM
    ● Control mode: single resistance non-inductive FOC+constant power control
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Advantages of the scheme: rapid start, hole plugging identification, and rapid re-injection
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    Hair Drier
    ● Voltage range: AC 180V~280V
    ● Power range: 60W~120W
    ● Speed range: 5000RPM~15000RPM
    ● Control mode: single/double resistance non-inductive FOC+constant power control
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Advantages of the scheme: fast start, low noise, and quick plugging operation
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    Wweeping Machine
    ● Voltage range: DC 12V~24V
    ● Power range: 5W~48W
    ● Speed range: 500RPM~30000RPM
    ● Control mode: single/double resistance non-inductive FOC+constant power control
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Advantages of the scheme: rapid start from different angles, re-through with speed, hole plugging identification
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