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    The single chip computer mainly includes CPU, ROM and RAM. The diversified data acquisition and control system can enable the single chip computer to complete various complex operations, whether it is to control the operation symbols or issue the operation instructions to the system, it can be completed through the single chip computer. It can be seen that the single chip computer can be fully applied in intelligent electronic equipment with its powerful data processing technology and calculation function. Our company Yingshang Microelectronics can provide a complete set of flexible and diverse MCU product solutions for market demand. It can reduce the cost of your product development. In the field of product research and development, rich technology and product resources will create lower cost electronic products for you! We provide hardware and software technical support. It can customize consumer electronics, automotive electronics, electric tools, industrial control and other fields for customers.
    Industrial automation control is mainly realized by the combination of electronic and electrical, mechanical and software. It is industrial control or factory automation control. It mainly refers to the use of computer technology, microelectronics technology and electrical means to make the production and manufacturing process of the factory more automatic, efficient, accurate, controllable and visible. The main core fields of industrial control are large power stations, aerospace, dam construction, industrial temperature control heating, ceramics, etc., and have irreplaceable advantages in these fields.

    Examples of industrial control application cases

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    Industrial Fan
    ● Voltage range: AC 180V~280V
    ● Power range: 5W~5000W
    ● Speed range: 500RPM~5000RPM
    ● Control mode: double resistance non-inductive FOC+constant power control+constant air volume
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Advantages of the scheme: rapid start, rapid re-input of software/hardware, upwind start, zero-speed crossing
    Contact us for more details
    Water Pump
    ● Voltage range: AC 180V~280V
    ● Power range: 500W~3000W
    ● Speed range: 1000RPM~2000RPM
    ● Control mode: single/double resistance non-inductive FOC+constant power control+intelligent boost
    ● Start mode: Senseless closed-loop start
    ● Scheme advantages: fast start, intelligent frequency conversion and intelligent pressurization mode
    Contact us for more details

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