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    The 32-bit microcontroller has the advantages of high performance, strong real-time, low power consumption, easy to operate at low voltage, and is also easy to develop. With its super performance advantages, 32-bit single-chip microcomputer has gradually become the mainstream of single-chip microcomputer and its mainstream brand. At present, China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd. has successfully completed security MCU, mainstream MCU and ultra-low power MCU. Centering on 5G+IOT, we will continue to explore and research the cutting-edge Internet of Things technology, precipitate core capabilities, create high-quality products and services, give intellectual empowerment to the digital transformation of Qianxing Baiye, promote the digital and intelligent development of society, and enrich people's wonderful life experience of Internet of Things.
    MicrochipMicrochip Technology Incorporated is a leading supplier of intelligent, interconnected and secure embedded control solutions. Microchip's 32-bit microcontrollers (MCU) make your design unique. These microcontrollers provide performance and functional capabilities to meet the needs of countless applications, from general embedded control to secure Internet of Things (IoT) solutions
    Number Core Max.Freq(MHZ) Flash(KB) Ram(KB) Pin ADC (channels/bits) CAN ADC (channels/bits) 16-bit/32-bit Timer UART I2C SPI Download
    PIC32CMLX CM0+ 48 256-512 32-64 48-100 12/24 - 44967 5/2 6 6 6 NULL
    PIC32CMMC(4) CM0+ 48 64-128 8-16 32-48 14/12 - 1/10 5/2 4 4 4 NULL
    PIC32CMJH CM0+ 48 256-512 32-64 32-100 12/12 2FD* 1/10 4/- 8 8 8 NULL
    SAMD09 CM0+ 48 8-16 4 14-24 10/12 - - 2/1 2 2 2 NULL
    SAMD10/D11* CM0+ 48 8-16 4 14-24 10/12 - 1/10 2/1 3 3 3 NULL
    SAMD20/D21* CM0+ 48 16-256 2-32 32-64 20/12 - 1/10 5/2 6 6 6 NULL
    SAMD21L CM0+ 48 32-128 4-16 32-48 18/12 - 1/10 5/2 6 6 6 NULL
    SAMDA1 CM0+ 48 16-64 4-8 32-64 20/12 - 1/10 5/2 6 6 6 NULL
    SAML10/L11* CM23 32 16-64 4-16 24-32 10/12 - 1/10 3/1 3 3 3 NULL
    SAML21 CM0+ 48 32-256 4-32 32-64 20/12 - 2/12 5/2 6 6 6 NULL
    SAML22 CM0+ 32 64-256 8-32 48-100 20/12 - - 4/2 6 6 6 NULL
    SAMC20/C21*(4) CM0+ 48 32-256 4-32 32-100 12/12 2FD* 1/10* 8/4 8 8 8 NULL
    SAM4N CM4 100 512-1024 64-80 48-100 16/10 - 1/10 6/- 7 3 4 NULL
    SAM4S CM4 120 128-2048 64-160 48-100 16/12 - 2/12 6/- 4 2 3 NULL
    SAM4E CM4F 120 512-1024 128 100-144 24/16 2 2/12 -/9 4 2 3 NULL
    SAM4L CM4 48 128-512 32-64 48-100 16/12 - 1/12 3/- 4 4 1 NULL
    SAMG CM4F 120 256-512 64-176 49-100 8/12 - - 6/- 8 8 8 NULL
    SAMD5x+/E5x* CM4F 120 256-1024 128-256 48-128 32/12 2FD* 2/12 8/4 8 8 8 NULL
    SAMS7x (2)/E7x CM7 300 512-2048 256-384 64-144 24/12 2FD* 2/12 12/- 8 3 5 NULL
    SAMV7x CM7 300 512-2048 256-384 64-144 24/12 2FD 2/12 12/- 8 3 5 NULL
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