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    Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard managed by the Bluetooth Technology Alliance (SIG). Bluetooth is designed for short-range data transmission and exchange, using the unlicensed ISM band of 2.4 GHz. Bluetooth is rich in features, including point-to-point audio streaming and large-scale many-to-many mesh networks for lighting or home automation.
    The XY51S03B Bluetooth chip is a new generation of high-performance, ultra-low power consumption Bluetooth 5.1 chips from InnoStar. It uses a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 core, with a maximum operating frequency of 64MHz, on-chip integration of 48KB SRAM, and 512KB Flash. Using a 32-bit ARMCortex-M0 core, with a maximum operating frequency of 64MHz, supporting BLE5.1, transmitting current of 4.2mA, receiving current of 3.8mA, maximum transmitting power of+6dBm, and receiving sensitivity -94dBm@BLE1Mbps , supports SIG Mesh. Suitable for various application scenarios such as Bluetooth KEY, OBU, data transmission module, Bluetooth voice remote controller, smart home, etc.

    • 32-bit ARM Cortex ®- M0 Core
    • Main frequency 72MHZ
    •48KB SRAM,512KB Flash
    • BLE5.1 RF transceiver
    • Bluetooth BLE5.1
    • 1Mbps BLE mode
    • 2Mbps Enhanced BLE Mode
    • 125kbps BLE remote mode
    • 500kbps BLE remote mode
    • Support for AOA (angle of arrival) and AOD (departure angle)
    • Support for RSSI (receiver signal strength indication)
    • Supports packet length expansion
    • Support for KEYSCAN, IRC, 10-bit 1.33Msps ADC
    • Supports analog MIC input, PGA amplification
    • Support for basic, general, advanced TIMER, RTC, WWDG, IWDG, LPUART, USART, SPI, I2C, and other peripherals
    With high-performance, ultra-low power consumption and other performance characteristics, it has a lower cost advantage and can replace and surpass foreign high-end Bluetooth chips  

    Number BLE Stack Flash(KB) SRAM(KB) Core Vdd RTC SPI I2S I2C USART LPUART GPIO AMIC DMA 10位ADC CRC Package Download
    XY51S03B BLE5.1 512 48 ARM Cortex-M0 @64MHz 2.32V~3.6V 1 2 2 1 2 1 21 1 1(5) 1(8) CRC16/CRC32 QFN32 NULL
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