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    The Renesas RZ Family of 32-bit and 64-bit microprocessors (MPUs) enables the solutions required for the smart societies of the future. Through high-performance CPU cores and a variety of accelerators and peripheral functions, engineers can easily implement high-resolution human machine interfaces (HMI), embedded vision, embedded artificial intelligence (e-AI), and real-time control and industrial ethernet connectivity.
    High-Performance MPU Realizing High-Speed and High-Precision Real-Time Control with EtherCAT

    RZ/T2L is high-performance MPU that realizes high-speed and high-precision real-time control with EtherCAT. RZ/T2L has Arm® Cortex®-R52 @Max Frequency 800MHz and the large tightly coupled memory size (576 KB) is directly connected to the CPU, reducing the fluctuation in execution time that can occur when cache memory is used, and delivering deterministic and fast-response processing. RZ/T2L has seamless hardware architecture with RZ/T2M such as CPU core, peripheral functions and LLPP (Low Latency Peripheral Port) bus, and can be proposed for higher performance control systems such as AC servo. Also, RZ/T2L offers a scalable and compatible software platform with Renesas MPUs and MCUs. It enables customer utilizing their software assets for new model development.


    •CPU: Arm® Cortex®-R52, maximum operating frequency 800MHz
    •EtherCAT® slave controller
    •Trigonometric function accelerator
    •Memory: Tightly coupled memory 576KB (with ECC), Internal RAM 1MB (with ECC)
    •Industrial Ethernet: EtherCAT® support
    •Encoder interface: 2ch (supports A-format™, EnDat2.2, BiSS®-C, HIPERFACE® DSL, FA-CODER)
    •Offering functional safety software up to SIL3
    •Motor current loop < 1µs
    •xSPI (Octa/Quad) support
    •Serial Host I/F
    •PWM: 3-phase complementary PWM output for dual motor control ?
    •ADC: 12-bit x 2 units
    •ΔΣ I/F: 6ch
    •Package: 196-pin BGA
    •Voltage: Core 1.1V , I/O 3.3/1.8V


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