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    Schneider Electric Modicon M580 Automation Controller

    2016-09-02 09:34:13

    Schneider Electric is the global specialist in energy management and automation.  Their Modicon M580 Ethernet Programmable Automation Controller (ePAC) is the flagship product of the Modicon controller range.
    “Everspin understands the unique demands of customers in industrial markets,” said Jean-Jacques Adragna, Architect Manager, Schneider Electric. “Features like long term data retention and extreme temperature support are very important in often harsh industrial environments. The inherent endurance of the technology simplifies and speeds product development by avoiding the use of error correction codes and wear leveling schemes required with other non-volatile memory technologies. Everspin is a trusted technology supplier that gives us visibility on its comprehensive roadmap, helping to shape our long term strategy.”
    Designed for applications requiring extreme data reliability and speed, Everspin’s 16-Megabit MR4A16BMA35 MRAM benefits system designers with the fastest non-volatile memory on the market, symmetrical read/write performance and unlimited endurance. These memory features ensure automation designers that process data is retained deterministically and safely every time a power interruption occurs. In addition to the performance, the technology also allows a battery free eco-design.

    If you want to know anything about everspin products, please contact Ramsun International Limited
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