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    Startup tapes out MRAM-based MCU

    2018-12-20 14:33:27

    The design includes perpendicular spin-transfer-torque magnetoresistive random-access memory (STT-MRAM) technology from international R&D institute IMEC. The software, system and memory IP developed by eVaderis make Beyond Semiconductor's MCU suitable for battery-powered applications in IoT and wearable electronics. eVaderis claims the BA2X is already a lean and power efficient MCU and the use of non-volatile MRAM as the memory allows for even lower power consumption.
    Three megabits of on-chip memory are distributed across the system though different instances, covering different functions such as working memory, configuration, state retention, code execution and data storage. eVaderis’ memory IP architectures are built to be compiler-friendly, helping chip makers to achieve faster time to market.
    eVaderis’ innovative memory-centric architecture based on embedded MRAM technology allows an MCU to achieve power, performance and functional gains at the system and software levels. These gains include for instance energy-efficient, non-volatile check-pointing or normally-off/instant-on operation with near zero latency boot.
    The MCU is designed to be manufactured using Globalfoundries' 40nm CMOS.
    "We now plan to license the underlying IP to semiconductor manufacturers making sub-40-nm chips," said Virgile Javerliac, deputy CEO at eVaderis, in a statement.
    "Power consumption is still the key challenge for any battery-powered device," said Matjaz Breskvar, Beyond Semiconductor's CEO, in the same statement. "We have been working with eVaderis since the company's inception to jointly realize a vision of battery-powered, always-on devices with unprecedented energy efficiencies."
    Everspin Technologies, Inc.

    Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Everspin Technologies, Inc. is the worldwide leader in designing, manufacturing, and commercially shipping discrete and embedded Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM) and Spin-Torque MRAM (ST-MRAM) into markets and applications where data persistence and integrity, low latency, and security are paramount.  With over 70 Million MRAM and ST-MRAM products deployed in data center, cloud storage, energy, industrial, automotive, and transportation markets, Everspin has built the strongest and fastest growing foundation of MRAM users in the world.  

    Keywords:  everspin

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