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    Gbit MRAM Debuts at Flash Summit

    2018-05-11 10:21:52

    Everspin announced it is sampling a Gbit MRAM chip and will be in production this year with 1-2 Gbyte cards based on its 256 Mbit chip. The news at the Flash Memory Summit here marks a small but significant advance for a growing collection of persistent memories at an event focused on the still rising market for mainstream NAND.
    Everspin hopes its products find sockets replacing DRAM in solid state drives and flash-storage arrays as a non-volatile buffer and write cache. The cards will deliver up to seven million I/O operations/second and 2 microsecond latencies using special Windows and Linux drivers Everspin is releasing as open source.
    At least one other company will provide a second source for Everspin’s cards. The company has stated it has one pilot customer for the chips that it hopes will take them to production within a year.
    Intel became the first to launch a new memory chip into mainstream storage markets with its 3DXP now shipping in SSDs. Western Digital has promised resistive RAMs before 2020, and Everspin gained an MRAM competitor late last year in Spin Transfer Technologies, which says it will sample a Gbit-class product next year.
    “In the future, all memory will be persistent — it may be 5-7 years from now or sooner, but it’s an expectation that everything is live and backed up and the highest performing memories with the highest capacities will win,” said Patrick Patla, senior vice president of marketing for Everspin.

    Keywords:  everspin

    next text:   Everspin Targets Niches for MRAM

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