    主頁 ? 產品中心 ? Flash ? SPI Nor Flash ? Cypress ?
            SPI Flash (即SPI Nor Flash)是Nor Flash的一種,NOR Flash根據數據傳輸的位數可以分為并行(Parallel)NOR Flash和串行(SPI)NOR Flash,SPI Nor Flash每次傳輸一個bit位的數據,parallel Nor Flash每次傳輸多個bit位的數據,SPI Nor Flash比parallel便宜,接口簡單點,但速度慢。NOR Flash是一種非易失性的存儲器,具有存儲容量大,數據保存時間長的特點,其擦寫次數多達10萬次,數據更新速度比EEPROM要快很多,在斷電的情況下也能保存數據,常用來保存一些重要的配置信息。
    cypressCypress半導體公司生產高性能IC產品,用于數據傳輸、遠程通訊、PC和軍用系統。公司1982年成立,是一家國際化大公司。目前約有人員3000人,已經在全球建立了銷售網絡。公司總部設在美國加州San Jose。
    Density Part Number Product Status Read Rate Packaging Datasheet PDF下載
    2 Gbit S70GL02GP Production 110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    2 Gbit S70GL02GS For New Designs, Production 110/120 64-ball FBGA Datasheet 暫無
    2 Gbit S70GL02GP Production 110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    2 Gbit S70GL02GS For New Designs, Production 110/120 64-ball FBGA Datasheet 暫無
    2 Gbit S70GL02GP Production 110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    2 Gbit S70GL02GS For New Designs, Production 110/120 64-ball FBGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S70FS01GS For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S70FS01GS For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S70FL01GS For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GP Production 110/120/130 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GS For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    1 Gbit S29GL01GT Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512Mb S26KS512S For New Designs 333 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S25FS512S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /v 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S25FS512S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /v WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S25FS512S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /v 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S25FL512S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S25FL512S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110/120 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110/120 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512N EOL Issued 100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110/120 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512P Production 100/110/120 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512S For New Designs, Production 100/110/120 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    512 Mbit S29GL512T Production 100 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    512Mb S26KL512S For New Designs 200 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256Mb S26KS256S For New Designs 333 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256Mb S26KL256S For New Designs 200 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FS256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FS256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FS256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S70FL256P Not Recommended for New Designs.Recommend using the S25FL256S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S70FL256P Not Recommended for New Designs.Recommend using the S25FL256S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FL256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FL256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S25FL256S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    256 Mbit S29GL256S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128Mb S26KS128S For New Designs 333 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128Mb S26KL128S For New Designs 200 MB/s 24-Ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FS128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FS128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR WSON (6x5mm), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FS128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHz SIO / MIO /80 MHz DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128K EOL Issued.Not Recommended for New Designs.Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128P Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128P Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO WSON (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL129P Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL129P Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL129P Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL127S or S25FL128S for all new designs 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL128S For New Designs, Production 133 MHZ SIO/ 104 MHz MIO/ 80MHZ DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL127S For New Designs, Production 108MHz SIO & MIO 8-pin SO 208mil, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL127S For New Designs, Production 108MHz SIO & MIO 16-pin SO 300 mil, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL127S For New Designs, Production 108MHz SIO & MIO WSON (6x5mm), Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S25FL127S For New Designs, Production 108MHz SIO & MIO 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128N EOL Issued 90/100/110ns (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128P Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    128 Mbit S29GL128S For New Designs, Production 90/100/110 ns 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FS064S For New Designs, Sampling 133 MHz SIO / MIO / 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FS064S For New Designs, Sampling 80 MHz DDR 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064K EOL Issued. 80 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064K Not Recommended for New Designs. 80 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL164K 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL164K 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL064P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL164K 104 MHz SIO/ 80 MHz MIO 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL164K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL164K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL164K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz WSON (6x5mm), Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S25FL164K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064N Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    64 Mbit S29GL064S For New Designs, Production 70/80 (15) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 16-pin SO (300 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032K EOL Issued 104 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL132K 104 MHz SIO / 80 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL132K 104 MHz SIO / 80 MHz MIO 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL132K 104 MHz SIO / 80 MHz MIO USON (5x6mm), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL132K 104 MHz SIO / 80 MHz MIO WSON (6x8mm), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL032P Production. Not Recommended for New Designs. Recommend using the S25FL132K 104 MHz SIO / 80 MHz MIO 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL132K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 8-pin SO (150 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL132K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL132K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz WSON (6x5mm), Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S25FL132K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 56-pin TSOP, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 48-ball Fine-Pitch BGA, Datasheet 暫無
    32 Mbit S29GL032N For New Designs, Production 90/110 (25) 64-ball Fortified BGA Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL016A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 16-pin SO (300 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL016A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL016A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO WSON (5x6mm) Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL016K EOL Issued 104 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL016K EOL Issued 104 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (150 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL216K EOL Issued 65 MHz 8-pin SO (150 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL216K EOL Issued 65 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL116K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 8-pin SO (150 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL116K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL116K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz WSON (6x5mm), Datasheet 暫無
    16 Mbit S25FL116K For New Designs, Production 108 MHz 24-ball BGA (6x8mm) Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL008A EOL Issued 50 MHZ SIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL008A EOL Issued 50 MHZ SIO WSON (5x6mm) Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL008K EOL Issued 104 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL008K EOL Issued 104 MHz MIO 8-pin SO (150 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL208K Production 76 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    8 Mbit S25FL208K Production 76 MHz 8-pin SO (150 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL004A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL004A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO WSON (5x6mm) Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL004K EOL Issued 104MHz MIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL004K EOL Issued 104MHz MIO 8-pin SO (150 mil) Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL040A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 8-pin SO (150 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL040A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO 8-pin SO (208 mil), Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL040A EOL Issued 50 MHz SIO WSON (5x6mm) Datasheet 暫無
    4 Mbit S25FL204K EOL Issued 85 MHz 8-pin SO (208 mil) Datasheet 暫無
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