    主頁(yè) ? 產(chǎn)品中心 ? SOC芯片 ? DIALOG ?
    電源管理芯片(Power Management Integrated Circuits),是在電子設(shè)備系統(tǒng)中擔(dān)負(fù)起對(duì)電能的變換、分配、檢測(cè)及其他電能管理的職責(zé)的芯片.主要負(fù)責(zé)識(shí)別CPU供電幅值,產(chǎn)生相應(yīng)的短矩波,推動(dòng)后級(jí)電路進(jìn)行功率輸出。
    Dialog 提供靈活、可擴(kuò)展和高度集成的系統(tǒng) PMIC 和子系統(tǒng) PMIC 的創(chuàng)新產(chǎn)品組合,以及易于使用的設(shè)計(jì)工具和廣泛的參考設(shè)計(jì)。以滿足當(dāng)今智能手機(jī)、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)設(shè)備、消費(fèi)/工業(yè)電子產(chǎn)品和汽車電子系統(tǒng)的成本、靈活性、效率和小尺寸需求。
    •高度集成以降低 BOM 和電路板組裝成本
    •使用 Dialog 的SmartCanvas ™ GUI 進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單的數(shù)字編程,以實(shí)現(xiàn)快速、輕松的設(shè)計(jì)重用
    •納米功率 PMIC 可在可穿戴設(shè)備和智能家居應(yīng)用中延長(zhǎng)電池壽命
    •具有遙感和相位脫落的 4 相降壓
    •具有遠(yuǎn)程感測(cè)和切相功能的 2 相雙路降壓
    Product Description Package PDF下載
    DA6021 SOC for Intel Atom processor FCBGA-325 暫無(wú)
    DA6102 Highly integrated, compact PMIC WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9061 PMIC for Applications Requiring up to 6A QFN-40 暫無(wú)
    DA9062 PMIC for Applications Requiring up to 8.5A QFN-40 暫無(wú)
    DA9063 High Power System PMIC for Quad-core Applicaton Processors 100-ball BGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9063L PMIC for Applications providing up to 12 A Continuous Current VFBGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9066 System PMIC and Audio CODEC for Dual- and Quad-Core Application Processors WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9068 System PMIC for Multi-Core Application Processors WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9070 Highly Integrated PMIC for Wearables and Home Automation WL-CSP 42 暫無(wú)
    DA9072 Highly Integrated PMIC for Wearables and Home Automation WL-CSP 42 暫無(wú)
    DA9073 Highly Integrated PMIC for Wearables and Home Automation WL-CSP 42 暫無(wú)
    DA9121 Configurable, 10A Dual-Phase SubPMIC for high performance mobile processors and memory 24WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9122 Configurable, Dual Output 5A + 5A SubPMIC for high performance mobile processors and memory WL-CSP 24 暫無(wú)
    DA9130 High-Performance 10 A Dual-Phase DC-DC Converter (Buck) FC-QFN 暫無(wú)
    DA9131 High-Performance Dual-Channel DC-DC Converter 5 A per Channel (Buck) FC-QFN 暫無(wú)
    DA9132 High-Performance Dual-Channel DC-DC Converter 3 A per Channel (Buck) FC-QFN 暫無(wú)
    DA9141 High efficiency, high current, quad-phase, step down DC-DC converter (Buck) PMIC FC-BGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9142 High efficiency, high current, dual-phase, step down DC-DC converter (Buck) PMIC FC-BGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9211 Multiphase 12 A Output Current WL-CSP 42 暫無(wú)
    DA9212 Multiphase 2x 6 A Output Current WL-CSP 42 暫無(wú)
    DA9213 Multiphase 20 A Output Current WL-CSP 66 暫無(wú)
    DA9214 Multiphase 2x 10 A Output Current WL-CSP 66 暫無(wú)
    DA9215 Multiphase 15 A and 5 A Output Current WL-CSP 66 暫無(wú)
    DA9217 Configurable, 6A Dual-Phase SubPMIC for high performance mobile processors and memory WL-CSP 24 暫無(wú)
    DA9220 Configurable, Dual Output 3A + 3A SubPMIC for high performance mobile processors and memory WL-CSP 24 暫無(wú)
    DA9223-A Multiphase 16 A Output Current TFBGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9224-A Multiphase 2 x 8 A Output Current TFBGA 暫無(wú)
    DA9230 Nanopower buck regulator for low power connected devices 12-pin WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9231 Nanopower PMIC for low power connected devices 12-pin WLCSP 暫無(wú)
    DA9232 Configurable, high efficiency buck regulator for GPS sub-systems in wearable devices requiring ultra-low voltage ripple WL-CSP 12 暫無(wú)
    DA9233 Configurable, high efficiency PMIC for GPS sub-systems in wearable devices requiring ultra-low voltage ripple WL-CSP 12 暫無(wú)
    PV88080 High efficiency advanced feature 4-channel PMIC 32-pin QFN 暫無(wú)
    PV88090 High Efficiency 3-Channel Buck Converter with dual LDO QFN30 暫無(wú)
    SLG51000 Low noise, high PSRR PMIC WLCSP-20 暫無(wú)
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