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    Skyera Solid State Storage Appliance

    2016-12-29 11:05:20

    Enterprise customers are increasingly turning to Flash-based storage systems to achieve greater performance from their applications, yet they often must balance this with reliability and cost. Skyera, Inc., chose MRAM technology from Everspin to supercharge memory applications on its MLC NAND Flash-based
    enterprise solid-state storage appliance, providing itscustomers with ultimate reliability for their critical data storage infrastructures.  
    MRAM Eliminated Capacitor-Backed RAM

    MRAM Eliminated Capacitor-Backed RAM

    By using MRAM in its MLC NAND Flash-based enterprise solid-state storage systems, Skyera provide customers with enhanced data center fault recovery, reduced system downtime and lower total cost of ownership, without the drawbacks of capacitor-backed RAM solutions. The fast write speed and non-volatility of MRAM allowed Skyera to overcome any point of failure within the system memory while providing the best possible performance to enterprise-class applications.

    MRAM in Enterprise SSD Applications

    Compared to alternative non-volatile RAM solutions, MRAM eliminates the need for external components such as resistors, capacitors, batteries or super-capacitors including additional power fail logic circuitry. Theelimination of these components improves data fidelity and system form factor while providing the most reliable solution at the overall lowest cost. By enhancing data center and networking fault recovery, MRAM can reduce system downtime and also simplify system design providing an overall lower total cost of ownership.
    If you want to know anything about everspin products, please contact Ramsun International Limited

            深圳市英尚微電子有限公司是一家專業的靜態隨機記憶體產品及方案提供商,十年來專業致力代理分銷存儲器芯片IC, SRAM、MRAM、pSRAM、 FLASH芯片、SDRAM(DDR1/DDR2/DDR3)等,為客人提供性價比更高的產品及方案。
     更多資訊關注RAMSUN.   www.xtjinyou.com    0755-66658299
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